Unilever: Course on lipid science and technology

Date: 12 September 2017 (morning)

Location: Online

Time: 10:00 – 13:00 CET (9:00 – 12:00 UK)

Online (WebEx) half-day course for SNAL ESRs and ERs (see program of the event)

Specific course on lipid science and technology (inter-sectorial)

Unilever has extensive knowledge of basic physical chemistry about lipid structures, phases and interactions with polymers and surfactants. This capability underpins the company’s leading business activities in food and personal care sectors. The structuring, rheological and mechanical properties and stability of these systems rely critically on the tuning of interfacial molecular composition and structure.

Dr Neil Parry Introduction to Unilever, and the sustainable living plan


Dr Massimo Noro Modelling skin lipids


Dr Ian Tucker Identifying the structural origins of ethnic variations
in human hair
Ian Tucker

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