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The ITN SNAL project is finished in 2018. Keep in touch for updates and recent works after the end of the project.
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Membrane-active peptides

The aim of the project is to design a sequence of aminoacids for a particular membrane function: enhanced …

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Ischia: Management meeting

23-24 March 2018. Management meeting in Ischia island, Naples, Italy Agenda: Venue: Meeting will be held in Hotel “Le Querce”, Via Baldassarre Cossa, 55 – Ischia, ITALY Attending people: Vladimir Baulin (URV, Spain, coordinator) Marco Werner (URV, Spain, project manager) …

Altafulla: Fat is fun

7-9 September 2018 – Altafulla, Spain Outreach activity: “La personalidad dividida de la grasa” Demonstration for children on the beach the physics behind fat in water 

EUREKA Prize for SNAL partner Elena Ivanova

Known as the Oscars of Australian Science, this year Eureka Prize was given to SNAL associated partner in Swinburne University of Technology Profs. Elena Ivanova and Saulius Juodkazis for invention of mechano-bactericidal surfaces inspired by insect wings. See full story …

Unilever: Course on lipid science and technology

Date: 12 September 2017 (morning) Location: Online Time: 10:00 – 13:00 CET (9:00 – 12:00 UK) Online (WebEx) half-day course for SNAL ESRs and ERs (see program of the event) Specific course on lipid science and technology (inter-sectorial) Unilever has extensive knowledge …