ER1-U: Delivery of skin bioactives to assess the impact of membrane lytic biopolymers

Impact of membrane lytic biopolymers on skin lipid membranes


Radka Petkova


Exploration  of  the  possibilities  in  obtaining  of  end  product  and  involvement  of  the  private sector in the training program.

  • Exploring opportunities to implement the findings from different work programs into product relevant system;
  • Identify potential gaps in the available toolbox for studying nano-object interactions with membrane lipid bi-layers and recommend way addressing those.

Tasks and methodology

By utilising both the research expertise and capabilities at Unilever to implement the learning from the program to date and try to create a prototype with improved delivery of benefit agents/active to cells’ lipid membranes. The work will follow well established protocols in ensuring that the implementation is aligned with the EU policies in the area of nano-objects (micelles, short peptides, polymers, etc.).

Picture presenting project

Starting date

January 2015

Related research topics

Radka Petkova

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