EUREKA Prize for SNAL partner Elena Ivanova

Known as the Oscars of Australian Science, this year Eureka Prize was given to SNAL associated partner in Swinburne University of Technology Profs. Elena Ivanova and Saulius Juodkazis for invention of mechano-bactericidal surfaces inspired by insect wings. See full story at Swinburne University web site.

A line of SNAL research Membrane-active nanostructured surfaces has won the prestigious 2017 UNSW Eureka Prize for Scientific Research presented annually by the Australian Museum. Inspired by discovery of anti-bacterial properties of insect wings such as cicada and dragonfly, a new class of nanostructured materials that mimic Nature nanopattern and kill bacteria by physical rupture of bacterial cells in contact with the surface. The discovery has resulted in a partnership with Global Orthopaedic Technology, an Australian-owned implant designer and manufacturer developing biomedical implants.

Vladimir Baulin

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