Training in Frankfurt

Full of new ideas after the Strasbourg event, most of the ESRs moved towards the Goethe University in Frankfurt to learn some detailed ideas from the in vitro, in vivo and ex-vivo research. This workshop aimed to give an overview of clinical research, which directly helps in the improvement of human health and welfare. Not only for sharing their expertise with us but also for preparing such a nice event, we would like to address special thanks to Dr. Shahram Ghanaati (FORM) and the ESRs Anna Barbara Orlowska and Andre Dias.

If one already met researchers working with animal experiments, the situation might have raised in oneself a few questions such as its goals, its necessity and its relevance. To understand the procedure which is followed to answer issues related to clinical studies, in vitro technology and cultures models were discussed and explained for us. Dr. Claudia Buerger (FORM) presentation was related to the emergence of alternatives to animal research and proposed an introduction about improvements made for cell cultures over the years and the different types of cells. As explained Eva Dohle (FORM), many of the experiments involved in such studies are done on the real organism cells. Therefore, it was pointed out  during the talks that it is extremely complicated to carry out such experiments as the results vary too much with each time they are taken from different donor organisms. Coming back to the reality and possible further applications, Patrick Booms (FORM) proposed to discuss the particular case of cancer tissues. It was a good opportunity for those who did not know, to learn more about the needs of healthy tissues which need to be vascularized and a tumor which avoid it. To treat unknown cancers or improve existing methods of healing, experiments must be performed.

A first answer was given by Dr. Ghanaati, who introduced the basics of clinical studies, giving the details of in vitro and in vivo techniques and how, depending upon the type of interactions they want to study, one of these techniques are invoked. Being a surgeon, he also illustrated some of cases in which his research has helped his patients. This was an inspiring talk for many of researchers to see how their work can also help many humans in need. An important aspect of the biomedical research is the ethical question. What can be accepted to get answers and where are the limitations ? Mike Barbeck (FORM) pointed out the procedure that must be followed before performing any clinical study and rules that must be respected. We shared through an interactive discussion the importance of certificates to regulate animal experimentations when they cannot be avoided. Getting a certificate does not mean being an expert and practicers still must be taught; getting a certificate allows this possibility. Ethical aspects in research would require by itself a full article but perhaps, we can try to remember one word which summarize this question: respect.

For those who could and wish to participate, the practical session was a great opportunity to practice or watch. New or refreshing, it gave a taste of experiments which is often missing to theoreticians. Here, we would like to thank Poju Chia (with Anna Barbara), Simon Wend and Alicia Kubesch, and Karima el Bagdadi (with Andre) for sharing with us time and knowledge. Knowing their applicable possibilities, techniques such as blood usage, which were discussed the day before were performed. Divided into three groups randomly made, we moved towards the main topics: in vitro, in vivo and ex-vivo. But better than a long discussion about cells and tissues…

FORM: Frankfurt Orofacial Regenerative Medicine


Program – Toxicology and Molecular Biology Techniques

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Adrien Berthault
Ankush Checkervarty

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