Cambridge: Management meeting

1-2 October 2014. Management meeting in Cambridge University, UK

Cambridge University


October 1 (start 10:00 for UK partners)

Courses 2015 Planning of specific courses for 2015
Individual plans of ESRs and ER Each ESR can prepare short description of methods and available infrastructure for the network. What methods/infrastructure is not available but necessary for his project and can be provided by partners? 10 min description of planned activity with focus on collaboration in the network. The detailed plan should be reflected in
Plan of secondments The secondments are already defined in Annex 1, but can be updated according to actual situation. In the end of the meeting we should have an updated list of secondments with concrete dates for all ESRs and ERs.
Ideas for collaboration Topics and ideas that may be implemented during 3 years. Discussion of collaborative work.
Consortium Agreement Discussion and possibility to sign the last version by all partners.

October 2

Individual plans of ESRs and ER Discussion of ESR’s Individual Plans (continuation)
Summer school in Italy Dates (July 2015) Invited speakers (names), topics.
Outreach activities Each ESR and ER should participate in at least one outreach activity every year.
Plan for next meeting Salou, October 2015



Meeting will be held in Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology:

Pembroke Street

1-2 October stay at Fitzwilliam College

Storey’s Way
Cambridge CB3 0DG

 Attending people:

Vladimir Baulin

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