Membrane-active block-copolymers

Computer simulations can suggest physical principles of the mechanism of action, optimal architectures of synthetic polymers. These structures can then be synthesized and tested by numerous experimental techniques. [cite source=’doi’]10.1039/c2sm26008e[/cite],[cite source=’doi’]10.1209/0295-5075/98/18003[/cite]

block copolymer

A key challenge for the project is the design and synthesis of novel polymeric biomaterials able to modify membrane properties.

Particular focus of the project

  • Membrane-attaching polymers
  • Polymers enhancing permeability of lipid bilayers
  • Polymers translocating through membranes
  • Pore-forming polymers

Associated projects

  • Association of polymers and small solute molecules with phospholipid membranes

    Theoretical physics, theory in soft matter, computer simulations Objectives In many cases the properties of cell membranes are modified through biopolymers and small solute molecules such as anesthetics or neurotransmitters. They can associate to membranes and significantly alter their structure, either thermodynamic state or induce reorganization in form of pores. The project aims to describe the fundamental ...

  • ESR2-T: Molecular simulation models of biomimetic polymers in lipid bilayers

    Theoretical physics, theory in soft matter, computer simulations Contact Adrien Berthault Objectives The aim of this project is to understand the interactions of lipid membranes with nano-objects including functional biomimetic polymers, polymeric micelles, carbon nanotubes and polymer therapeutic complexes/conjugates to enable the intelligent design of novel materials with improved bilayer modifying properties. A full range of theoretical methods will be ...

  • ESR1-T: Computer simulations of equilibrium structures of lipid membranes and nano-objects

    Theoretical physics, theory in soft matter, computer simulations Contact Berardo Manzi Objectives The aim of this project is to understand the interactions of lipid membranes with nano-objects including functional biomimetic polymers, polymeric micelles, carbon nanotubes and polymer therapeutic complexes/conjugates to enable the intelligent design of novel materials with improved bilayer modifying properties. A full range of theoretical methods will be ...

Outreach activities

    Work in progress.

SNAL publications

    Work in progress.

Project team

Vladimir Baulin
Adrien Berthault
Ankush Checkervarty
Berardo Mario Manzi